Replacing an HVAC System Near a Beach or Coastal Area in Florida: What You Need to Know

Homes near the coast are constantly exposed to the elements such as wind, sand, salt and moisture which can cause corrosion in air conditioning units leading to faster rate of failure. Learn what special considerations you need to take into account when replacing a

Replacing an HVAC System Near a Beach or Coastal Area in Florida: What You Need to Know

Homes near the coast are constantly exposed to the elements, such as wind, sand, salt, and moisture. This can cause corrosion in air conditioning units, leading to a faster rate of failure. If you're planning to replace the air conditioner in your Florida home or business, there are a few special considerations you should be aware of. The humid and salty environment near the coast can cause corrosion in the coils of an air conditioning unit.

To prevent this, you should take steps to protect your unit from the elements. This includes using a protective coating on the coils and making sure that the unit is properly sealed. In addition, you'll need to obtain a building permit from your local county before replacing your air conditioner. Each county in Florida has a different process for obtaining this permit, but it's usually handled by the HVAC contractor you hire for the job.

It's also important to note that most manufacturers of HVAC equipment require that it be installed by a licensed HVAC contractor. If the equipment is not installed by a licensed contractor, the warranty coverage is void and the manufacturer will not cover the replacement of any defective parts. When winter comes and your house is in cold temperatures, you'll be glad to have a gas oven, heat pump, or ductless heating system to turn on. We offer a wide selection of heating systems and we can find one that fits your needs perfectly. In addition, our heating services also include repair and maintenance in case your current heater needs professional assistance. If you're looking to replace an HVAC system near a beach or other coastal area in Florida, it's important to take all of these special considerations into account.

By doing so, you can ensure that your new system will last for years to come.

Jared Stagman
Jared Stagman

Subtly charming beer fan. Hardcore twitter trailblazer. Lifelong web evangelist. Award-winning bacon aficionado. Total social media ninja.